Choose Your Combo!

Choose 2 Days on Campus + Choose Your Classes = Your Combo

Want to be on campus just two days each week? We've put together a menu of relevant courses, arranged in convenient blocks of time. You choose two days when you want to be on campus, then build the schedule that works for you! (These combos are totally optional: You can register for any class that works for your educational plan.)

  • Easy selections – We’ve already identified a set of combos with classes you may need
  • Convenient scheduling – You choose the times that fit best in your life, including work or family obligations and commuting preferences
  • New friends – You’ll begin to see familiar faces taking many of the same classes as you!

Keep reading to learn more about class combos – or click the yellow bar if you're ready to get started.


The Best of Both Worlds

three students laughing outside science buildingMost of the suggested classes will be taught in hybrid format, with some scheduled meetings on campus, and some work that you can do online.

It’s the best of both worlds: You’ll have personal contact with instructors and classmates (many of them will be taking the same classes in your combo) plus the convenience of working at your own pace online, within deadlines set by the instructor.

These combos were created to make it easier for you to build your schedule – but they are completely optional.

  • You’ll find plenty of other courses in the fall class listings, and you’re free to choose any classes that suit your needs or interests (provided you meet any prerequisites).
  • You can substitute another class that fits into the suggested schedule, choose one that meets at another time – or pick one that’s completely online, if you prefer.

Easy Steps to Follow

two young men walking and looking at notebookBefore starting, we recommend that you

  • Know your placement: Make sure you know your English and math placements. If you don’t, visit the Find Your Placement webpage.
  • Check the maps: Check the program and transfer maps to see which courses are recommended for your specific academic goal.
  • Speak with a counselor: Consult the Our Counselors directory to find your counselor and ask about which classes are right for you – and how many you should take in the quarter.

When you're ready, follow these easy steps:

First:  Choose Your Days

First: Choose the days and the four-hour block of time when you want to be on campus. Your choices include

  • Monday and Wednesday mornings with one-hour class meetings, two-hour class meetings, or a combination of both
  • Monday and Wednesday afternoons with two-hour class meetings
  • Tuesday and Thursday mornings with two-hour class meetings or a combination of one- and two-hour classes
  • Tuesday and Thursday afternoons with two-hour class meetings

You'll see the specific options in the next step: Choose Your Classes

Next:  Choose Your Classes

Pick the classes that you’d like to take during each one- or two-hour slot within your block of time on campus.

  • Click each red bar below to see the courses available for block of time on campus
  • Check the notes:
      • Some class listings may have notes indicating they are relevant for a particular Village or subject area
      • Classes that aren't marked with a note will be relevant for most students, regardless of your Village
  • You can also consult the class listings as you build out your combo
  • If a suggested class is full or doesn't suit your needs, you're free to choose any open class, at any time, as long as you have met the prerequisites.

View Complete Class Listings

Mondays and Wednesdays

Combo 1 (Mornings)

  • Monday and Wednesday mornings
  • One-hour classes

Mondays and Wednesdays
8:30-9:20 a.m.

27126KNES 5AX03Indoor CyclingRachel Catuiza7:00-8:15 a.m. class time15
27128KNES 5BX03High Intensity Indoor CyclingRachel Catuiza7:00-8:15 a.m. class time9
27130KNES 15C01Total FitnessRachel Catuiza3
27132KNES 15E01Cardiovascular and Strength TrainingRachel Catuiza1
27129KNES 19G01Core ConditioningRachel Catuiza3

Mondays and Wednesdays
9:30-10:20 a.m.

27271EWRT 1A71YComposition and ReadingDiane Furlan1
27000PHIL 101YIntroduction to PhilosophyRich Booher1

Mondays and Wednesdays
10:30-11:20 a.m.

24009EWRT 1A17QComposition and ReadingSherwin MendozaMust take LART250.17Q CRN#25472 as well1
23014EWRT 1A33YComposition and ReadingRyan Dickson4
01087GEO 101YPhysical GeographyPurba Fernandez24

Mondays and Wednesdays
11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

27178ACCT 1A03YFinancial Accounting IJeffrey West11:30-1:20 class time6
22907ARTS 4A02YBeginning DrawingPrakash Chandras12:30-1:45 class time; articulates for majors4
00857EWRT 1A34YComposition and ReadingDiane Furlan4
01086GEO 102YPhysical GeographyPurba Fernandez28
26583KNES 12G01Self-DefensePete Rabbitt12:30-1:20 class time4
27242MATH 3140YPrecalculus ISundararajan Arabhi4

Combo 2 (Mornings)

  • Monday and Wednesday mornings
  • Two-hour classes

Mondays and Wednesdays
8:30-10:20 a.m.

24910EWRT 1A03QComposition and ReadingKim PalmoreMust take LART250.03Q CRN#25469 as well; Mondays only1
02631EWRT 1A14QComposition and ReadingLaura MartinMust take LART250.14Q CRN#25479 as well; Mondays only3
26478POLI 101American Government and PoliticsGregory Druehl47

10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

21055ANTH 103YPhysical AnthropologyElisabeth-Anne Mabie3
27019CETH 1001YRace, Ethnicity and InequalityRosanna Alvarez29
23150ESL 27201YAdvanced Reading and VocabularyLinda Yee7
27273EWRT 1A73YComposition and ReadingJulie Sartwell1

10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

25551ANTH 301YIntroduction to ArchaeologyAlicia Hedges21
26054BIOL 1004YIntroductory BiologyElizabeth Mcpartlan7
26387HUMI 102YCreative MindsGening Jin1
27239MATH 1043YIntroductory StatisticsNadia Bensidi5
26791NAIS 3101YEthnic Studies: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander ExperiencesAmanda Sullivan-Lee16
24830POLI 18EYAmerican Government and PoliticsRobert Stockwell21

Combo 3 (Mornings)

  • Monday and Wednesday mornings
  • One- and two-hour classes

Mondays and Wednesdays
8:30-9:20 a.m.

27126KNES 5AX03Indoor CyclingRachel Catuiza7:00-8:15 a.m. class time15
27128KNES 5BX03High Intensity Indoor CyclingRachel Catuiza7:00-8:15 a.m. class time9
27130KNES 15C01Total FitnessRachel Catuiza3
27132KNES 15E01Cardiovascular and Strength TrainingRachel Catuiza1
27129KNES 19G01Core ConditioningRachel Catuiza3

Mondays and Wednesdays
9:30-11:20 a.m.

27176ACCT 1A02YFinancial Accounting IKevin Mello9:30-10:45 class time2
26854ARTS 1A02YIntroduction to the Visual ArtsLinda BecerrilWednesdays only1
27083KNES 5BX02High Intensity Indoor CyclingMark Johnson9:30-10:45 class time20

Mondays and Wednesdays
11:30 a.m.-12:20 p..m.

27178ACCT 1A03YFinancial Accounting IJeffrey West11:30-1:20 class time6
22907ARTS 4A02YBeginning DrawingPrakash Chandras12:30-1:45 class time; articulates for majors4
00857EWRT 1A34YComposition and ReadingDiane Furlan4
01086GEO 102YPhysical GeographyPurba Fernandez28
26583KNES 12G01Self-DefensePete Rabbitt12:30-1:20 class time4
27242MATH 3140YPrecalculus ISundararajan Arabhi4

Combo 4 (Afternoons)

  • Monday and Wednesday afternoons
  • Two-hour classes

1:30-3:20 p.m.

24757ANTH 1L01YPhysical Anthropology LaboratoryEmily Beggs3
00089ANTH 201YCultural AnthropologyDaniel Solomon5
27253BIOL 40A04YHuman Anatomy and PhysiologyRobert Kalpin2
24150SOC 102YIntroduction to SociologyMark Pasion4

3:30-5:20 p.m.

23409HIST 17B04YHistory of the United States from 1800 to 1900Greg Knittel38
24393COMM 1550YCritical Decision-Making in GroupsStephanie Anderson2

1:30-3:20 p.m.

24755ANTH 101YPhysical AnthropologyAmeeta Tiwana6
26426ECON 202YPrinciples of MicroeconomicsRavjeet Singh29
26700ESL 261004Low Advanced Listening and SpeakingJasmina Topalovic2

3:30-5:20 p.m.

27275EWRT 1A75YComposition and ReadingMary Diehl1

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Combo 5 (Mornings)

  • Tuesday and Thursday mornings
  • One- and two-hour classes

Tuesdays and Thursdays
8:30-10:20 a.m.

27278EWRT 1A78YComposition and ReadingLaura OrellaTuesdays only2
21917EWRT 1A15QComposition and ReadingJohn GravenerMust take LART250.15Q CRN#25486 as well; Tuesdays 7:30-8:20 class time4
25139EWRT 1A83YComposition and ReadingLisa VasquezTuesdays only6
20643EWRT 1A16QComposition and ReadingLisa VasquezMust take LART250.16Q CRN#25482 as well; Thursdays only2
00860EWRT 1A32YComposition and ReadingRyan DicksonThursdays only4
01214HUMI 107YCreative MindsAndrew WoodTuesdays only5

Tuesdays and Thursdays
10:30-11:20 a.m.

00093ANTH 203YCultural AnthropologyAshidhara Das33
27276EWRT 1A76YComposition and ReadingDiane Furlan1
26468SOC 2901YSociology of Structural Racism in the United StatesSteve Nava37

Tuesdays and Thursdays
11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

24359COMM 111YPublic SpeakingRussell Hong11:30-1:20 class time1
24361COMM 112YPublic SpeakingAlex Kramer11:30-1:20 class time1
24382COMM 1006YFundamentals of Oral CommunicationDavid Hamilton11:30-1:20 class time2
21652DANC 22K01Theory and Technique of Ballet IJanet Shaw11:30-12:45 class time2
27277EWRT 1A77YComposition and ReadingAnne Argyriou3
25284HIST 3A01YWorld History from Prehistory to 750 CEGreg Knittel12:30-1:20 class time3
27063KNES 29A01Fencing Level 1Nick Mattis4
27064KNES 29B01Fencing Level 2Nick Mattis19
24736MUSI 1D01Music Appreciation: Rock - From Roots to RapIlan Glasman11:30-1:20 class time26
20294SOC 103YIntroduction to SociologyMari Tapia4

Combo 6 (Mornings)

  • Tuesday and Thursday mornings
  • Two-hour classes

Tuesdays and Thursdays
8:30-10:20 a.m.

27278EWRT 1A78YComposition and ReadingLaura OrellaTuesdays only2
21917EWRT 1A15QComposition and ReadingJohn GravenerMust take LART250.15Q CRN#25486 as well; Tuesdays 7:30-8:20 class time4
25139EWRT 1A83YComposition and ReadingLisa VasquezTuesdays only6
20643EWRT 1A16QComposition and ReadingLisa VasquezMust take LART250.16Q CRN#25482 as well; Thursdays only2
00860EWRT 1A32YComposition and ReadingRyan DicksonThursdays only4
01214HUMI 107YCreative MindsAndrew WoodTuesdays only5

10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

22260ADMJ 101YIntroduction to Administration of JusticeJames Suits1
00093ANTH 203YCultural AnthropologyAshidhara Das33
27258BIOL 40A08YHuman Anatomy and PhysiologyRobert Kalpin1
23153ESL 261003Low Advanced Listening and SpeakingEbru Goksel-Demir2
21997EWRT 1A10QComposition and ReadingSergio RizzoMust take LART250.10Q CRN#25487 as well1
27279EWRT 1A79YComposition and ReadingLuis Limcolioc2
26702HIST 17A01YHistory of the United States to Early National EraChristina Jethi8
01215HUMI 108YCreative MindsAndrew Wood3
25875HUMI 901YIntroduction to Comparative ReligionLori Clinchard19
21818JOUR 61A01YStudent News Media Production IFarideh Dada7
26481POLI 107YAmerican Government and PoliticsAlbert Schendan29
24151POLI 1001YIntroduction to Administration of JusticeJames Suits6

10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

00339CD 1202YChild, Family and Community InterrelationshipsNellie Vargas10
00637ECON 101YPrinciples of MacroeconomicsRavjeet Singh10
26310EWRT 1A23QComposition and ReadingLuis LimcoliocMust take LART250.23Q CRN#26311 as well3
24770HIST 17C03YHistory of the United States from 1900 to the PresentGeorge Edgar4

Combo 7 (Mornings)

  • Tuesday and Thursday mornings
  • One- and two-hour classes

Tuesdays and Thursdays
8:30-9:20 a.m.

21917EWRT 1A15QComposition and ReadingJohn GravenerMust take LART250.15Q CRN#25486 as well; Tuesdays 7:30-8:20 class time4

Tuesdays and Thursdays
9:30-11:20 a.m.

24356COMM 109YPublic SpeakingRussell Hong2
22574EWRT 1A13QComposition and ReadingCharles GrayThursdays only2
27282EWRT 1A82YComposition and ReadingElliott CragenThursdays only4
26560KNES 5AX01Indoor CyclingMark Johnson9:30-10:45 class time3
26569KNES 37AX01SoccerCheryl Owiesny9:30-10:45 class time1
26570KNES 37BX01Soccer Level 2Cheryl Owiesny9:30-10:45 class time10
26571KNES 37CX01Soccer Level 3Cheryl Owiesny9:30-10:45 class time10
27043MUSI 201YMusic FundamentalsGrace LaiTuesdays only; 9:30-10:45 class time; articulates for majors4

Tuesdays and Thursdays
11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

24359COMM 111YPublic SpeakingRussell Hong11:30-1:20 class time1
24361COMM 112YPublic SpeakingAlex Kramer11:30-1:20 class time1
24382COMM 1006YFundamentals of Oral CommunicationDavid Hamilton11:30-1:20 class time2
21652DANC 22K01Theory and Technique of Ballet IJanet Shaw11:30-12:45 class time2
27277EWRT 1A77YComposition and ReadingAnne Argyriou3
25284HIST 3A01YWorld History from Prehistory to 750 CEGreg Knittel12:30-1:20 class time3
27063KNES 29A01Fencing Level 1Nick Mattis4
27064KNES 29B01Fencing Level 2Nick Mattis19
24736MUSI 1D01Music Appreciation: Rock - From Roots to RapIlan Glasman11:30-1:20 class time26
20294SOC 103YIntroduction to SociologyMari Tapia4

Combo 8 (Afternoons)

  • Tuesday and Thursday afternoons
  • Two-hour classes

1:30-3:20 p.m.

26985ADMJ 601YCrime, Correction and SocietyRamona Gabriel12:30-2:20 p.m. class time18
25400ARTS 2C01YHistory of Art: Europe from the Baroque Period Through ImpressionismElizabeth Mjelde12:30-2:20 p.m. class time16
25379BIOL 1002YIntroductory BiologyJudy Cuff-Alvarado12:30-3:20 p.m. class time2
27258BIOL 40A08YHuman Anatomy and PhysiologyRobert Kalpin11:30-2:20 p.m. class time1
27031ECON 103YPrinciples of MacroeconomicsManisha PereraLate start class begins on 11/7/20228
27314ESCI 1903YEnvironmental BiologyGayatri Pal12:30-3:20 p.m. class time16
25656EWRT 1A11QComposition and ReadingNga HuynhMust take LART250 as well1
26313EWRT 1A24QComposition and ReadingJulie SartwellMust take LART250 as well2
25879HUMI 109YCreative MindsAndrew Wood30

3:30-5:20 p.m

26036CIS 403YComputer LiteracyMark Sherby5
27281EWRT 1A81YComposition and ReadingRandie Wann2
27008HUMI 110YCreative MindsGening Jin3

1:30-3:20 p.m.

00095ANTH 202YCultural AnthropologyAngel Roque7
27053BUS 1803YBusiness Law IMichael Gough12:30-3:10 p.m. class time34
23156CD 5001YPrinciples and Practices of Teaching Young ChildrenNellie Vargas18
27284EWRT 1A26QComposition and ReadingElliott CragenMust take LART250.26Q CRN#27291 as well4
02056PHTG 102YBasic PhotographyHiroyo Kaneko12:30-3:20 p.m. class time3

3:30-5:20 p.m.

27241MATH 1045YIntroductory StatisticsNeelam Shukla5
02045PHIL 401YCritical ThinkingRichard Hammerud34

You've Got Your Combo! Now Register Online

You're ready to register for the classes in your combo!

  • Check in MyPortal for your registration date: Open the Apps section > Click on the Student Registration tile > Look under Registration Tools > Select Get Date to Register
  • Follow the easy steps to register online
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