General Meeting Information
Date: December 2,
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255
This meeting will be held in a Hybrid modality, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online. To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader I. Call to Order
2:30 Welcome
Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.(Please complete your report out if you haven't already)
I All 2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from November 18th, 2024. I/D/A All 2:35-2:40 Public Comment
I All II. Consent Calendar
2:40 - 2:45 Consent Calendar: (Attachment)
- Hiring Committee - Librarian
- GE Review Committee (5 new members where 7 requested)
- COOL Committee - E & E
I/D/A Pape III. Needs and Confirmations
2:40 - 2:45 District and College Needs (Attachment)
- Part-time Faculty Representative Replacement
- RFP Committee for Dining Services - no volunteers
- General Education Review Committee - 5 volunteers, see consent calendar
- Director, Community and Government Relations/PIO - no volunteers
- Honors Program Coordinator Details
- COOL Committee
- Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
I/D Pape 2:40 - 2:45 Confirmations - Attachment
- Need to approve addition of DSPS seat on COOL Committee and then confirm
- Late request to serve as Mathematical Concepts & Quantitative Reasoning representative for GE Review Committee
I/D/A Pape IV. New & Continuing Business
2:45 - 2:55 Quick Notes:
Final Call for Newsletter
Budget question about undocumented student money
WiFi hotspots for faculty
RabbitPrint for PT Faculty (link to guide)
FW Reminder
CCN Surveys
Senate RecognitionsI/D Woodbury
2:50 - 3:05 COOL: Adding a seat for Disability Support Program and Services
I/D/A Woodbury
3:05 - 3:15 Presentation of Equity Rubric for Campus Events
I/D Vilaubi 3:15-3:45 I/D/A Woodbury 3:45 - 4:15 I/D/A Woodbury
Kaufman4:15 - 4:25 Good of the Order
Please review all report outs
I All 4:25 Adjournment
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
I. Call to Order
Erik Woodbury reminded representatives to fill out their report out.
Approval of Agenda and Minutes from November 18th, 2024.
Bob Singh moved, Cynthia Kaufman seconded to approve both agenda and minutes. No objection. Agenda and minutes approved by unanimous consent.
Public Comment
Megan Brophy reported a problem with the chemistry labs. The labs have a history of flooding whenever there is heavy rain. Facility addressed the problem by putting sandbags at the doors. However, faculty must move the sandbags for classes. This was really frustrating because it has been happening for years. They need a more permanent solution to keep the water from coming in and removing the sandbags before classes.
The matter has been brought to the attention of risk management. This was related to issues with the science complex where the doors don't keep the water out when it rains.
I. Consent Calendar
Consent Calendar: (Attachment)
- Hiring Committee - Librarian
- GE Review Committee (5 new members where 7 requested) - some volunteers represent more than one area.
- COOL Committee - E & E representative
Shagun Kaur moved to approve the consent calendar, Cynthia Kaufman seconded. No objection. Consent calendar approved.
Erik Woodbury invited GE Review Committee members to join him and Bob Singh in their Vision Meeting to plan the schedule that will be approved by the Senate in the winter quarter.
III. Needs and Confirmation
District and College Needs (Attachment)
- Part-time Faculty Representative Replacement for winter and spring 2025. Mary Donahue will reach out to notify part-time faculty of this vacancy. Those interested should fill out the request to serve form.
- RFP Committee for Dining Services - no volunteers
- General Education Review Committee - 5 volunteers, see consent calendar above.
- Director, Community and Government Relations/PIO - no volunteers
- Honors Program Coordinator Details
- COOL Committee - still need more volunteers.
- Tenure Review At-Large Representative - ongoing need. It is important to have volunteers available to avoid disruption to the tenure review committee work should a member needs to step down
Confirmations - Attachment
Cheryl Jaeger Balm to serve as Mathematical Concepts & Quantitative Reasoning representative for GE Review Committee
Cynthia Kaufman moved to confirm. Veronica Avila seconded. No objections. Cheryl Jaeger Balm confirmed for the GE Review Committee.
IV. New & Continuing Business
Quick Notes:
Final Call for submission to the Senate Newsletter.
Erik Woodbury encouraged people to contribute articles to the newsletter.
Budget question about undocumented student money.
This question came up in public comment last week. A resolution addressing that question was on the agenda for discussion. There was a desire to look deeper into how the district gets funded and advocate for them to reprioritize and assign those funds to support undocumented students. So far, nothing has been decided, but conversation continued.
WiFi hotspots for faculty
This was a great idea, but currently such a program is not available. That is something the Senate could request for in the development of budget priorities. Anyone may request to have that come back as an agenda item or resolution.
RabbitPrint for PT Faculty-
Erik Woodbury sent an email last week that included a self-install guide with instructions for people to install RabbitPrint on their own devices. That will allow PT Faculty to print using campus copiers.The guide is a little cumbersome for setting up. Unfortunately, ETS does not have the resources to respond to individual tickets from part-time faculty for assistance.
FW Reminder
FW, fail withdrawal is applicable for students that stop attending class and stop participating after the final withdrawal date.
How to count participation? Participation is based on the last time they turned in an assignment, the last time they signed into a course on Canvas, or the last time they came into the classroom.
Faculty have the option to assign F or FW grades
FW does help with discouraging fraudulent students that enroll to collect financial aid. They show up the first week of class and then disappear but never drop.
The Senate will bring this topic back for discussion and clarification in the Winter quarter.
Erik will send an email to faculty about the current policy regarding FW.
CCN Surveys Reminder
They are due 12/4. Erik has sent reminders to division deans and department chairs.
Senate Recognitions- kudos to those who have stepped up and done good work.
Mary Pape who stepped up to be Senate Vice Ppresident this quarter
Clare Nguyen, CIS, the creator and the initiator of the Python programming program. Currently on PDL but still continue to meet with them and help with more curriculum development.
James Adams for partnering on the ZTC (Zero Textbook Costs) / OER work.
A special appreciation for Christiana Wright, the second at-large part-time representative, who will have to step down due to class schedule conflict.
Megan Brophy, James Adams, Dawnis Guevara for stepping in this quarter.
The newbies, Viviana Alcazar, Umar Douglas, Sukhjit Bob Singh, Lianna Wong who joined the Senate for the first time this year.
A special shoutout to James Capurso for his work on RSI.
COOL: Adding a seat for Disability Support Program and Services
Cynthia Kaufman moved to add a DSPS seat to the COOL Committee. Veronica Avila seconded. No objections.
Cynthia Kaufman moved to confirm Sridevi Lakshmanan to fill that seat. Veronica Avila seconded. No objections. Sridevi Lakshmanan was confirmed as a member of the COOL committee.
Presentation of Equity Rubric for Campus Events
Mary Pape moved to table this item until the next meeting Megan Brophy seconded. No objection. Presentation postponed.
Resolution in Support of Vulnerable Students and EmployeesErik Woodbury presented a draft of an “Academic Senate Resolution in Support of Vulnerable Students and Employees.”
Senate members took turns to read aloud the Resolves for the resolution.
There was a suggestion for a minor change in the final resolve from “your” to “our.”
Someone had a question regarding reference to Title IX in the 3rd Resolve.
Title IX very broadly provides protections against discrimination based on gender differences. There was concern regarding executive interpretation and enforcement of the policy with the pending change in administration. They feared that the new administration will be very hostile toward the transgender community and that they will lose the current protections under Title IX.
Cynthia Kaufman moved adopt the resolution, Veronica Avila seconded,
Mary Pape moved to accept with acclamation. All in favor. Resolution passed with acclamation.
The Senate will present this resolution to the campus community, including the administration and the faculty members, as well as the board at their December 16th meeting
Resolution on Setting District Budget Priorities for Funds Derived from AB540 Student Enrollment and Associated Programs
The previous resolution stated the Senate position to support and protect the vulnerable members of the campus community. This solution was a followup with a commitment to action on setting district budget priorities.
The Senate took turns to read aloud the entire resolution, both the whereas and resolves.
Sheila Ramos, Undocumented Student Support Program Coordinator, Higher Education for AB 540 Students (HEFAS), UndocuSTEM Program shared the history and the current status of the HEFAS program at De Anza.
HEFAS started 15 years ago when they applied for their first grant in 2012. Sheila was a student at that time. She has returned to De Anza as a staff member and mentor. They have been challenged with writing and applying for grants to sustain their program. However, their funding is approaching the end. This resolution will support them with more sustainable program funding especially for the next four years.
One of the HEFAS student interns shared her story not just as a student, but as a daughter and a sister, and someone whose heart carries a weight of unimaginable fear every single day. She spoke on behalf of her peers and those who are undocumented. She, like many, is part of a mixed status family. Her biggest fear, worst nightmare was that she could be deported or ripped apart from her sister since she was undocumented and her sister was a US citizen. She lived in constant fear that my baby sister will be left alone without anyone to protect, guide, and take care of her.
She described her situation and many others like her to be a ticking time bomb when a simple mistake could cost them everything. At De Anza College, nearly 900 students are part of the AB 540 program which helps undocumented students like her access essential resources. However, despite the state allocation of over 1.2 million to support undocumented students, none of that money directly funds the HEFAS programs at De Anza leaving students like her without the resources they desperately needed.
HEFAS matters. It's not just about education. It's about access to safety. It's about protecting families. It's about ensuring that our documented students don't have to live in fear, and don't have to constantly worry about the threat of separation.
HEFAS is not just a program. It is a support system for these students and families who live in the shadows and are always afraid of being torn apart from the people they love.
There were some follow up questions. Martin Varela provided explanation and clarification on apportionment, allocation model, and funding distribution.
Senate members worked together to finalize the resolution.
Cynthia Kaufman moved to adopt the resolution, Sherwin Mendoza seconded. Cynthia Kaufman moved to accept by acclamation. All shout yay in favor. Resolution approved by acclamation.
Good of the Order
Cynthia Kaufman: Equity & Engagement Event
December 5, 10 AM-noon meet in front of the Admin Bldg for hot chocolate and pastries. The marketing department came up with a really nice poster that explains the De Anza ICE policy. People can help to put up posters in classrooms that explains what to do if ICE comes to campus. At De Anza, there is a policy that if ICE comes onto campus, those people should be sent directly to the president's office and not engage with any staff members or students.
James Adams: Please fill out the OER Survey for WI25 and beyond! It also provides information for labeling courses ZTC/LTC in the schedule.
Please review all report outs
Wishes for a very happy holiday and a joyous winter break.
Mary Pape motioned, James Adams seconded, to adjourn. No objection.
In person
Erik Woodbury, Mary Pape, So Kam Lee
Veronica Avila Acevedo, James Adams, *Sam Bliss, Megan Brophy, Umar Douglas, Mark Hamer, Kevin Glapion, Lauren Gordon, Cynthia Kaufman, Shagun Kaur, Mark Landefeld, Sherwin Mendoza, Lisa Mesh, Christian Rodriguez, Jayanti Roy, Sukhjit Bob Singh, Leah Smith, James Tallent, Lianna Wong
Mary Donahue, *Aura Ozturk, Ravjeet Singh,
Viviana Alcazar, *Deborah Armstrong, Dawnis Guevara, Lakshmikanta "LK" Sengupta, Christina Wright
*Non-voting members
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 849 1703 5338
Passcode: 882827
Member | Remote Location | In District? |
Mark Landefeld | PE 51A, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 |
Yes |
Mary Donahue | MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 | Yes |
Ravjeet Singh | F-21M, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 | Yes |