General Meeting Information
Date: October 15,
Time: 2:00-3:00pm
Location: Via Zoom*
*Contact the Admin. for Zoom information
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:00-2:05 Welcome and Introductions I DaSilva 2:05-2:10 Review mission and membership I DaSilva 2:10-2:15 Review Best Practices document for DASG I/A DaSilva 2:15-2:20 Review/approve notes from April 30, 2024 A DaSilva 2:20-2:25 Bike Storage update I Lockwood 2:25-2:30 Resource Hub project (formerly Food Pantry) I Lockwood 2:30-2:50 Measure G update
- All gender restrooms
- Flint Center
- Beach Volleyball
- Creative Arts
I DaSilva
2:50-2:55 Campus Center - First floor refresh
I DaSilva/Lockwood
2:55-3:00 Information sharing/Quick news
I All
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Campus Facilities
October 15, 2024
Welcome and Introductions
DaSilva interim Director of College Operations welcomed everyone to the Fall quarter and the new academic year, and everyone introduced themselves.
Review mission and membership
The mission and membership of the Campus Facilities Committee was reviewed. It was noted there are still 2 classified senate vacancies. College Operations will continue to reach out to Classified Senate.
Review Best Practices Document for DASG
The Best Practices document for DASG was shared with the membership by DaSilva. Lockwood, Classified Senate representative has agreed to be the committee mentor for the DASG representatives.
Review/Approve notes from April 30, 2024
The group reviewed and approved the notes.
Bike Storage Update
Last year the committee discussed increasing bike storage on campus. Lockwood conducted a focus group with bike users, staff and students to discuss various options for bike storage/racks on campus. As a result, 49 new bike racks were ordered, and 2 repair stations and photos were shared including the G building, S quad, and L quad with some replacing older bike racks. Additionally, two repair stations have been added. Lockwood plans to collaborate with the Office of Communications to create a map highlighting the new bike rack locations.
Resource Hub project (formerly Food Pantry)
Last the committee discussed the food pantry which was originally planned to be relocated from its current location in the RSS to the Campus Center, lower level in the former Le Café space. However, as information was gathered for this project, it became clear that the food pantry has already outgrown the proposed space. Recently senior staff approved the move of the resource hub and food pantry, which will be situated near the Financial Aid office, in the former print shop location. The goal is to combine the food pantry and the basic needs services into a single, one-stop shop. The space will be designed like a market, offering both food pantry items and resources from the center in one cohesive location.
Measure G Update
All gender restrooms – L5, S2 and S6
Progress is being made on the gender-neutral restroom project; the Department of the State Architect (DSA) has recently sent clarification inquires and project managers are currently addressing those inquiries. Once this project is fully approved by DSA and the board, the project can go out to bid.
Flint Center
DaSilva reported that the Flint Center will soon enter the demolition phase, with construction fencing already in place. In about two weeks, the building will start coming down, and a time-lapse camera has been installed to capture the process. Trucks will be coming and going from the campus to haul away debris, and the Office of Communications will issue traffic and pedestrian updates and notices as needed.
Beach Volleyball
There is ongoing construction behind the Kirsch Center for Environmental Studies (KCES) for the beach volleyball project. There will eventually be an alternate walkway for this area. Signage has been placed around the construction to indicate how to navigate around these areas.
Creative Arts
The new Creative Arts building will be constructed on the Flint Center site once the demolition and close out is completed.
Creative Arts next steps:
- Funding and Board Approval
The next steps include seeking approval from the Board for project funding. A request for qualification (RFQ) will be issued for a design-build entity, which will handle design, programming and construction.
- Timeline & Approval Process
The project will go through a three-step approval process. 1. Development of a project charter. 2. Approval by program managers, accounting and business services (expected to take about a month). 3. A Project Amendment Revision (PAR) will be submitted to the Board with December 2024 noted as a possible target meeting for approval.
The timeline for programming and design is anticipated to take approximately one and a half years. Once approved the project will be reviewed and will need approval from the California Department of the State Architect’s office (DSA). DSA approval may take up to twelve months. Breaking ground and construction are anticipated to take approximately two years.
Campus Center – First floor refresh
DaSilva and Lockwood conducted a walk-through of the Campus Center and determined that the first floor needs a cosmetic refresh. The space is dark and outdated, so the project will focus on updating the public areas on this floor. The cosmetic refresh will include painting, replacing the baseboards, and upgrading the hallways and the student council chambers. The decision was made to postpone work on the DASG offices until that area can be cleaned out, better organized and re-imagined for a refresh.
As part of the project, peeling wallpaper will be removed, and the lighting will be updated to brighten the spaces. Signage will also be improved. A project charter is needed to outline the scope of work, and once completed, it will need approval by the appropriate managers to secure funding. Although no immediate changes will take place, plans include upgrading the Student Accounts window so that the student accounts area can be accessed independently of the Office of College Life’s.
Information Sharing/Quick News
Hannon shared that A-frame signs will be placed around the stadium next week to inform the community and college members about the designated times for track and field use. The signs will indicate when the stadium is closed for community use and when it is open. There have been several instances where community members have used the facilities during class times. To address this, Athletics has coordinated with senior staff, the Office of Communications, and District Police to ensure that proper signage is in place, indicating when the facilities are available for general use and when they are reserved for college classes.
Acosta, Armstrong, Catuiza, DaSilva, Hannon, Le Bleu-Burns, Lee, Lisha, Lockwood, Nogra, Ozaki, Pelusi, Rodriguez, Shamarao
Notes: Gore