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May 2017
De Anza College is launching CivicsWatch, an online resource for students and anyone who wants to better understand the current
state of the nation.
On these webpages, you will find
- fact-checking assessments of politicians' statements
- tools for tracking legislation
- an interactive quiz to test your knowledge of civics and world events.
CivicsWatch also features resources such as the nation's founding documents and current news reports on important issues.
This project is intended to help the De Anza community engage with our political system at a time when the country is sharply divided on many issues -- and when our elected leaders frequently deride "fake news" while making statements that are demonstrably untrue.
As John F. Kennedy said in 1963: "Only an educated and informed people will be a free people."
Facebook Live Event for New Students & Parents
De Anza will host its first Facebook Live Q&A for new students and their parents, on the heels of a big turnout for the annual Open House event on campus last month.
For students or parents who weren't able to attend the April 29 event, this Facebook Live session will be a chance to ask questions about applying, priority enrollment, transfer to universities, placement testing and college services and programs.
Questions will be fielded by college experts: Barry Johnson from Admissions and Records and Nubia Sanchez and Erick Aragon from the Office of Outreach and Relations with Schools.
You can view the session on De Anza's Facebook page or on this webpage from 6-6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 22.
Does your department or division have news to share with the campus community? Send information for the next Campus Memo to communications associate Leah Mieso at miesoleah@deanza.edu