June 2017
This year’s commencement speaker will be Diego Cihuacoatl Gomez, a philosophy major and 2017 graduate, who says that being a student mentor and teaching
assistant at De Anza showed him the importance of community and the potential for
change. Gomez, 27, will be transferring to San Francisco State University this fall.
During his time at De Anza College, he worked as a mentor for the Men of Color Community program and as a teacher's aide for Chicano Studies instructor Juan Gamboa.
Gomez and Stephanie Dittrich are this year’s winners of the President’s Award, presented annually to two graduating students who have overcome adversity and shown perseverance in seeking an education at the college.
2017 Student Awards and Scholarship Winners
Stephanie Dittrich
President's Award
Jorge “Georgie” Güitrón
DeHart Scholarship
Pister Scholarship
Read more about this year's award winners.
De Anza Joins Partnership to Lower Textbook Costs
De Anza College has been chosen to join a partnership with the OpenStax project at Rice University, which works to promote the use of free, peer-reviewed textbooks for college courses.
The college is one of only 11 schools selected from among 42 applicants for the 2017-18 OpenStax Institutional Partnership Program. The program will provide technological support, individualized consulting and other resources to help De Anza expand the use of alternatives to traditional, expensive textbooks.
Read more about the OpenStax partnership.
- The Speech Communication Department is changing its name to Communication Studies, effective this fall. The new name is consistent with the degrees offered by most
of the California State University and University of California schools. It also reflects
an expanded focus that includes information literacy and social justice.
- De Anza will celebrate its 50th anniversary with a series of campus activities during
the 2017-18 school year, including a fundraiser with Juan Felipe Herrera, immediate past Poet Laureate of the United States. A custom anniversary logo is
being developed with an opportunity for input from the campus community. Vote for
your favorate at the new 50th Anniversary webpage.
- A photo exhibit, "Picturing Humanity: De Anza's Veteran Scholars," was the subject of a recent feature story in the Mercury News. The exhibit was sponsored by the Veteran Services Office in a collaborative project with the Euphrat Museum of Art, Photography Department and Creative Arts Division.
Does your department or division have news to share with the campus community? Send information for the next Campus Memo to communications associate Leah Mieso at miesoleah@deanza.edu