Welcome to the WRC!


We offer tutoring and other assistance in writing and reading for students taking any English, English as a Second Language or any class with a writing assignment at De Anza! Scroll down to learn more about our programs and services.

Celebrate Women's History Month!

Maya Angelou Poetry BookMarch is Women's History Month, so check out this booklist for Women's History Month, "which highlights powerful stories of trailblazing women who have shaped history through education, leadership, and mentorship, inspiring future generations to continue the journey of progress and empowerment."

learn more

Join us on campus and on Zoom in Winter 2025

Access our peer tutoring services on campus and on Zoom for the winter quarter. Online, just click the yellow button to "Join Tutoring Session," then follow the prompts on your screen to sign in and select from a list of available services. We're also on campus, where you can visit us in ATC 309.

Winter 2025 Tutoring Hours

Tutoring is available from Monday, January 13, to Friday, March 21. The WRC is closed for holidays on January 20 and February 14 and 17.

In ATC 309

  • Monday to Thursday 9:30 am to 6:30 pm
  • Closed Saturday and Sunday

On Zoom

  • Monday to Thursday 9:30 am to 6:30 pm
  • Friday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Note: Friday, February 28, we will close at 11:30 am for a required training.)
  • Closed Saturday and Sunday

JOIN WRC ZOOM Tutoring Sessions

Programs and Services

In Winter 2025, WRC tutoring will take place in drop-in sessions and scheduled, weekly individual tutoring (WIT) appointments--both are available via Zoom and in-person in ATC 309. Check this page regularly to keep up to date about services and our hours of operation.

Drop-in Tutoring

Drop-in tutoring – without an appointment – is available during all hours of operation, every quarter. You are welcome to drop in for a maximum of 30 minutes per session, 2 sessions per day. 

For Zoom tutoring, use the gold button above to join a drop-in or WIT session. Once you sign in, you will be assigned to a breakout room for a one-on-one session via Zoom.  For on-campus tutoring, sign in on the computer at the front entrance in ATC 309 and wait to be called by your tutor.

Weekly Individual Tutoring (WIT)

In the fall, winter, and spring quarters, Weekly Individual Tutoring appointments are available on a limited basis, depending on tutor availability. If you request WIT and are assigned, use the gold button at the top of this webpage to sign in for your scheduled weekly session on Zoom. For on-campus tutoring, sign in on the computer at the front entrance and look for your assigned WIT tutor.

You and your tutor will meet once a week. During this tutoring time, you can work on areas and topics that you need help with and learn strategies to help you study the subject better on your own.

At the beginning of the quarter, click the button below for the online form to request WIT and join the waiting list to see if appointments might be possible for you ...

Depending on tutor availability and budget constraints, we may not be able to provide a weekly individual tutor for each student who requests one, but we will do our best.

  • It helps to apply early--in the first week of the quarter. 
  • Students requesting Weekly Individual Tutoring will be asked to use Drop In Tutoring while they are on the waiting list.

Weekly individual tutoring is primarily available for students enrolled in these courses:

  • LART 250, EWRT 1A
  • ESL 200, ESL 234 or 434, ESL 244 or 444, ESL 255 or 455, ESL 265 or 465, ESL 272/3/4 or 472/3, ESL 5
  • LS 207

Priority will be given to students enrolled in English/reading/writing courses below EWRT 2 or ESL 6, and to students using EDC/DSS services. 

Customized Support Activities 

This program is designed to support each student taking "bundled" EWRT 1A + LART 250 with flexible, personalized options. Students log in to the CSA Canvas site to access and track activities.


More Resources

Visit the WRC Resources webpage for study guides, "Do On Your Own" Learning Activity (DLA) packets, and more!

Become a Tutor

You can improve your own skills in communication and your favorite academic subjects by helping other students learn.

APPLY NOW for the 2025-26 Academic year

The WRC hosts the student-led De Anza Book Club!

Here is a message from the De Anza Book Club president: "The book club provides a platform for all students who enjoy reading and writing. Students who are looking for romance, entertainment, peace, and knowledge in the book world will get together to make friends, exchange ideas, and improve reading skills. Through reading and sharing events, we can take a break from the real life, immerse ourselves in the ocean of literature, and refresh our minds to deal with real life situations. There is more of the world to explore!"

https://instagram.com/bookclubdeanza?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Check out the IG Page: @bookclubdeanza

Sign up to become a member: https://forms.gle/wB4AYH66AK1rAN478

In the Winter 2025 quarter, stop by for a meetup at the Writing and Reading Center (WRC) in the ATC Building, Room 309, on Mondays from 11 am to 12:30 pm.

Questions about the WRC? Contact Us!

Victoria Kahler, Instructional Support Coordinator
408.864.5753, kahlervictoria@deanza.edu 

Diana Alves de Lima, Student Success Center Co-Director
408.864.8485, alvesdelimadiana@deanza.edu

Melissa Aguilar, Student Success Center Co-Director
408.864.5422, aguilarmelissa@deanza.edu

A tutor helps a student through the writing process.

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