Peer Mentor Agreement 


To be eligible to work at the college, you must

  • Be enrolled as a De Anza student
  • Live in California

Please review the Student Jobs page in the Financial Aid website for more information about eligibility to work at the college.


As a peer mentor, you will

  • Commit to mentoring for at least two quarters in the academic year. (These do not have to be consecutive.)
  • Participate in a mentoring orientation fall quarter
  • Take ICS 2A in winter quarter (ideally prior to mentoring, if not the quarter after)
  • Take ICS 2B in spring quarter
  • Work up to 10 hour a week maximum
  • Earn $15 an hour
  • Submit monthly hours
  • Maintain regular communication with instructor and other peer mentors
  • Participate in service learning projects
  • Attend mentor meetings 


For consideration, candidates must possess the following

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Overall grade point average of 3.0
  • Must be available to attend LEAD mentor training in spring quarter 
  • Must attend the weekly mentor meeting with other mentors and LEAD faculty members
  • Pass and maintain a minimum of a 3.0 in all ¡LEAD! core courses.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Excellent communication and listening skills
  • Superior time-management skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge of their own major and college resources
  • Ability to maintain a positive attitude in spite of challenges
  • Self-motivation
  • Project management and organizational skills


All peer mentors for the LEAD Learning Community will have the following responsibilities:

  • Attend all class sessions and facilitate familia work in the classroom. Help instructor as needed
  • Guide students to academic and community resources
  • Aid in building group dynamics within the familias and in the community
  • Attend a weekly meeting with the LEAD faculty and other mentors
  • Assist the LEAD community coordinator in planning field trips and site visits
  • Meet individually with student proteges as needed
  • Record observations of students assigned to mentor, and submit quarterly report to the Instructor or Community Coordinator as needed
  • Participate in service learning projects with the LEAD community
  • Coordinate and participate in quarterly mentor retreats or training workshops, focused on sharing individual skills and strengths
  • Coordinate one social activity or team-building event per quarter
  • Maintain participant email list or Facebook page, and provide information about assignments and ideas to all members through this list. (Individual class instructors should be included in these communications if appropriate and desirable.)
  • Help students become familiar with college resources, and advise or refer students to appropriate resources as the need arises
  • Participate in choosing, training, and supporting new mentors
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