Educational Excellence
The college profile includes these sections
- An Unparalleled Opportunity
- Educational Excellence
- Student-Centered Instruction
- Equity and Social Justice
- A Beautiful and Vibrant Campus
De Anza College awarded nearly 2,000 associate degrees and more than 900 credit certificates of achievement to students last year. Many graduates entered the workforce after completing one of the career training programs that De Anza offers in 25 different fields. Nearly 950 transferred to a University of California campus in 2022-23 and more than 1,300 transferred into the California State University system. Another 160 transferred to private or out-of-state universities.
De Anza’s high transfer rates – documented by EdSource and the Public Policy Institute of California – are linked to its encouragement and support of academic excellence, as well as a tradition of innovation in integrating student services with instruction.
The college places high priority on preparing students for transfer through initiatives
that include
- A campus Transfer Center, where students can attend application workshops, meet with university representatives, and get specialized academic counseling
- Associate Degrees for Transfer in 22 subjects, which guarantee a spot in the California State University system
- “Transfer maps” for every discipline, which guide students in selecting courses each quarter to efficiently meet transfer requirements for their major
- Assessment policies that clear hurdles for transfer-bound students, by placing them directly in transfer-level English and math courses, with appropriate support
De Anza has earned top rankings statewide for student success in completing transfer-level English and math, according to data compiled by the Campaign for College Opportunity, a research and advocacy group.
De Anza’s tradition of educational excellence is reflected in the distinguished work of its faculty and in the recognition and grants earned by individual programs. Recent examples include
- An Exemplary Program Award from the California Community Colleges Board of Governors for the college's Guided Pathways initiative, including its new Villages
- A $150,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for the Humanities Department to expand oral history programs focused on historically marginalized communities
- A $525,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for the Design and Manufacturing Technologies Department to extend training and mentorships in 3D printing and manufacturing technologies programs
- $1.55 million in state funding for a new MESA (Math, Engineering and Science Achievement) program to support historically underrepresented students in STEM majors
- A $2.25 million federal Title III grant to serve diverse student populations, with funding for new Learning Communities, student services and faculty training
Excellence at De Anza is further exemplified by initiatives such as the pioneering Math Performance Success (MPS) learning community. MPS supports about 300 students each quarter by embedding counselors in designated math courses, providing additional instruction time and offering extensive peer tutoring. The program has won accolades nationally for its demonstrated results, which include higher course success rates and significant narrowing of achievement gaps for Black and Latinx students.
De Anza promotes academic excellence through its Office of Professional Development, a dedicated office rare among community colleges. The program serves faculty and classified professional staff members by coordinating a variety of training seminars, workshops and attendance at professional conferences.
The college also has been a leader in developing online programs to meet students’ needs for flexible scheduling and alternate methods of instruction. De Anza offers 12 degrees and certificates for which students can earn all of their required units online. Online enrollment has surged since the COVID pandemic: While the college resumed holding classes on campus in 2021, about 75% of students today take at least one class online.
The pursuit of excellence extends to De Anza’s award-winning career training programs, designed with input from industry experts and professional advisory boards. These programs have developed innovative partnerships with industry leaders. For example, the Automotive Technology Department teamed with a leading Silicon Valley robotics company to establish a new career training pathway for the autonomous and electric vehicle industry.
After identifying a need for trained workers in automotive management positions, De Anza also developed a new bachelor of science degree program in Automotive Technology Management, which has been approved by the Board of Governors for California Community Colleges and is scheduled to begin in fall 2025.
In another example, the Child Development and Education Department recently won a $1.2 million state grant to create an apprenticeship program in collaboration with licensed child care providers. The Design and Manufacturing Technologies Department also received a $1 million gift from the Gene Haas Foundation to expand training in the use of cutting-edge equipment for computerized manufacturing and machining.
The Athletics program also sets – and achieves – high standards. De Anza has won 24 Coast Conference All-Sports trophies, including 12 awarded in consecutive years. The Athletics program places a premium on academics, with a dedicated counselor, an academic adviser and cohort programs designed for student-athletes.
De Anza is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges and is preparing to host an external peer review team this fall, as part of a seven-year cycle for reaffirming the college’s accreditation.