You will need to again come to the Office of College Life located on the lower level
of the Hinson Campus Center, Room # 157. DO NOT CONTACT CLIPPER FOR A REPLACEMENT
CARD; THEY CANNOT REPLACE A VTA SMARTPASS. There is a $3 replacement fee for the VTA SmartPass Clipper Card. The Office of College Life will replace your
Clipper Card and VTA SmartPass only, NOT ANY OTHER STORED VALUE. Your original card will be disabled and your new card will be enabled. The VTA
allows for only one (1) replacement per academic year, however, exceptions may be
made in some cases; please come to the office even if you have already received a
replacement this academic year and we will do what we can to help you.
-- If you had any other stored value (BART, Caltrain, Muni, etc.) and you did register your Clipper Card with the MTC you can go back to and report your original card as lost or stolen and register your new card. Your
old card will be disabled and the other stored value will then be transferred to the
new one.
-- If you had any other stored value (BART, Caltrain, Muni, etc.) and you did NOT register your Clipper Card with the MTC then, you will need to come to the Office of College Life to get your old Clipper
Card number. You will then need to contact Clipper to see if they can manually transfer
everything from your old card to your new card. They cannot transfer a VTA SmartPass.
You need to first get a replacement VTA SmartPass Clipper Card from the Office of
College Life.