9th Annual
Partners in Learning Conference
Hosted by the Biological, Health and Environmental Sciences and Creative Arts Divisions
Crafting Resilience
In Our Students and Community
The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning
Artwork by Erin Breann 2013, Arts 4B - Intermediate Drawing Class, De Anza College Art Department |
Friday, March 7, 2014
Conference Program
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Opening: 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.; Hinson Campus Center
8:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast in Conference Rooms A and B
8:30 a.m. Conference Opening, Welcome and Agenda
8:45 a.m. Keynote speaker: JuanCarlos Arauz
Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz is one of the most sought-after educational 21st-century education, immigration, and Black/Brown male youth |
Session One: 10:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Cultural Resiliency & the REAL Test
JuanCarlos Arauz
A deepening of the conversation started during the Keynote Address. Strengths our students have acquired through diverse life experiences, often from difficult environments can be utilized on college campuses and in the classroom. Administration Conference Room 109
Cultivating Resilience with Art and Mindfulness
Diana Argabrite; Juliana Kang-Robinson
We'll explore the restorative powers of hands-on art and mindfulness exercises and
create original artists' books. This is in connection with the Deep Reading exhibition
at the Euphrat Museum of Art. Euphrat Museum of Art
Promoting Student Resilience: Evidence-based Practices for Any Course
Mark Healy
Participants will learn about the most current, highest-quality research on resilience, and how to apply it in a variety of ways in just about any classroom environment. The interactive portion will focus on tangible methods of altering one's pedagogy in order to encourage resilience in student life. MCC-12
Teaching and Learning in Unworkable Spaces
Jennifer Myhre; Lori Clinchard
This workshop will offer practical strategies for coping with unworkable spaces, such as lecture halls. How do you create a sense of belonging and community in spaces that limit student-centered pedagogies? L-26
Relational Resilience: Honest Dialogue and Reconnecting After a Rupture in Relationship
Edmundo Norte
This interactive session looks at how developing our capacity for “Relational Resilience”
in ourselves and with each other can help us build a DAC culture that is more authentic,
compassionate and effective, creating a more sustainable, healthy experience for all. Multi-Cultural Center Conference Room
"I'm Not a Science Person." Addressing Subtle Biases Against Becoming a
Science-Literate Student and Citizen
Jeff Schinske
Students' description of science as a "hard subject" is often shorthand for more subtle
feelings that people like them do not succeed in science. However, science itself
depends on a society where individuals of all backgrounds become scientifically informed
and active. This workshop will invite participants to share strategies for crafting
lessons that increase engagement with science by emphasizing the roles of diverse
individuals in the sciences. Room L-45
Resilience: Real Life Experiential Learning for Retention, Relationship-Building,
and a Repository of Skills
Kristin Sullivan; Bill Roeder
How do you extend student success in and outside of the classroom? Our students learn extraordinarily well from their peers, the classroom/field setting and through our special partners in the community; these combine with our educational curriculum to provide real-life learning experiences and opportunities for personal student growth, careers and community engagement. Room L-46
Lunch: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m., Hinson Campus Center
We invite conference attendees to come together to share ideas during lunch. Please join us in Conference Rooms A & B in the Campus Center. Lunch will be served to those who have pre-registered.
Session Two: 1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Promote Deep Learning with Engaging Techniques
Diana Alves de Lima; Veronica Acevedo Avila; Jackie Reza; Stacey Cook
Valuing students leads to higher retention. Learn exercises that promote community, self-awareness, enthusiasm and motivation. Join De Anza colleagues, participants in the summer 2013 Faculty Experiential Learning Institute (FELI), who will share how they used these interactive activities. Room MCC-12
Pathways for Student Success: the Example of Statway
Mo Geraghty; Doli Bambhania
One of the greatest challenges we face at community colleges is increasing the success for students taking required basic skills and GE courses. We will discuss Statway, an innovative program developed by the Carnegie Foundation recently piloted at De Anza, which combines the basic skills material (Algebra) with the college level transfer material (Statistics), bringing in important pedagogical features such as relevant context, productive struggle and persistence, and acceleration. Room L-43
Bystander Intervention
Natasha Joplin
Patterned after the YWCA of Silicon Valley Rape Crisis Center model. the Bystander Intervention workshop includes safe bystander principals and provides techniques to de-escalate potentially violent situations on campus, assisting in campus safety. California History Center
Finding Strength in Every Student
Victoria Kahler
How can we help students discover and understand their own learning strengths? How can we engage students to identify their learning processes? How can we become more observant of the clues into the ways each student learns? Room L-46
Trailblazers and Their Guides: A Conversation Between First-Generation College Students
and Their Faculty and Staff Advocates
Jackson Yan; Angel Roque
The presentation will give voice to students who are the first in their family to
pursue higher education. Faculty members will learn how to better assist this unique
population. Room MCC-13
Closing: 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Hinson Campus Center
Harvesting and Reflecting in Conference Rooms A & B in the Campus Center.
Planning Committee
Cynthia Kaufman, Conference Coordinator | kaufmancynthia@deanza.edu |
Karen Chow | chowkaren@fhda.edu |
Alicia Cortez | cortezalicia@fhda.edu |
Mayra Cruz | cruzmayra@fhda.edu |
Mary Kay Englen | englenmarykay@fhda.edu |
Veena Jain | jainveena@fhda.edu |
Simon Kang'a | kang'asimon@fhda.edu |
Shagun Kaur | kaurshagundeep@fhda.edu |
Virginia Marquez | marquezvirginia@fhda.edu |
Anita Muthyala-Kandula | kandulaanita@fhda.edu |
Jackie Reza | rezajacquelyn@deanza.edu |
Donna Stasio | stasiodonna@fhda.edu |
Susan Tavernetti | tavernettisusan@fhda.edu |
The Institute of Community & Civic Engagement, Academic Senate, Office of Instruction, and the Office of Staff & Organizational Development