Submitting a Petition
Here's how to submit a petition (a formal written request) for an exception to college rules on enrollment and related matters – such as residency reclassification or the limits on repeating a class. (See more examples below.)
New Process for Excused Withdrawals
Students requesting an Excused Withdrawal should no longer use the ARC petition on this webpage. Please visit the Withdrawing From Class webpage for instructions on how to follow the new process for excused withdrawals.- Before submitting a petition, you must have an up-to-date educational plan. If you are using the online petition form, you can upload your current plan or indicate that your current plan is available in Degree Works.
- You may need to provide documentation which justifies your request.
- Your counselor, instructor or a representative from the Admissions and Records Office may submit a recommendation on whether to approve, deny or abstain from a decision.
- The dean of Enrollment Services will review your request to determine if it involves a matter that can be decided by the dean (or a designee) or if it must be decided by the Appeal Review Committee. Exceptions can only be granted for cause.
- The Appeal Review Committee (ARC) is responsible for evaluating and approving petitions for exceptions to college enrollment rules related to academic policies. The committee is dedicated to fair, consistent and equitable review of student requests.
Examples of Requests
Decided by Admissions and Records Office
Here are some types of requests that are typically processed by the Admissions and Records (A&R) Office, once a student has completed the relevant e-form.
Note: Some requests may have special or additional processing guidelines. You may
need to meet with a counselor before completing an e-form. Please review each e-form for more details.
- Academic Renewal e-form
- Add/Drop/Withdrawal e-form
- Loss or Enrollment Priority Appeal e-form
- Petition for Exceeding Units e-form
- Prerequisite Clearance – For more information visit the Prerequisite Clearance webpage
- Petition to Replacement of Substandard Grade from De Anza GPA
- Third/Last Attempt e-form
More Admissions and Records forms can be found on the Student Forms webpage. Need help? Connect with A&R directly.
Decided by Dean of Enrollment Services
Here are some types of petititons that may be decided by the dean of Enrollment Services or the dean's designee.
Complete the Petition for Registration Policy Exception e-form for any of the following reasons:
- Appealing a decision on residency reclassification
- Appealing a registration deadline
- Challenging for admission
- Other requests (not listed)
After completing the petition, you'll receive an email from
Processing Guidelines:
- Incomplete petitions will not be processed.
- Monitor your emails and take action when requested.
- Please respect processing deadlines as listed on your petiton. Petititons for registration policy exceptions will not be able to process your requests on a walk-up basis.
Decided by Appeal Review Committee
Here are some types of petitions that must be decided by the Appeal Review Committee
- Excused Withdrawal (EW) Petitions for current or past terms – reivew the EW petition webpage for more details
- Requests for readmission after dismissal – review the Readmission After Dismissal e-form for more details
- Requests to take excess units (27.5+ units / 18.5+ units in summer term) – review the Petition for Exceeding Units e-form for more details
To submit a request for a reason listed below, complete the Petition for Academic Policy Exception e-form.
- Requests to repeat courses that were previously completed successfully, due to a significant lapse of time
- Requests to repeat a course beyond the number of times stipulated in the college catalog
After completing the petition, you'll receive an email from
Processing Guidelines:
- Incomplete petitions will not be processed.
- Monitor your emails and take action when requested.
- Please respect processing deadlines as listed on your petiton. ARC will not be able to process your requests on a walk-up basis.
Not sure which process to use?
If you're not sure which petition or process to use, please click to begin here.
How the Petition Process Works
What happens first? (The preview process)
What happens next? (The review process)
Why doesn't the ARC review class grades?
Guidelines for ARC decisions
Challenges to ARC decisions
ARC Membership
The committee includes the dean of Enrollment Services as chair, plus
- Two instructional faculty members, appointed by the Academic Senate
- Two counseling faculty members, appointed by the Academic Senate
- One classified professional representative, appointed by the Classified Senate
- One articulation officer, appointed by the vice president of Instruction
- One instructional dean, appointed by the vice president of Instruction
Except for the dean of Enrollment Services, members will be appointed for two-year terms. Members will be selected with an eye to providing representation from Disability Support Programs and Services, Extended Opportunities Programs and Services and the Office of Equity, Social Justice and Multicultural Education.