Participating in SSRS Programs

You are eligible for SSRS programs if you meet the following requirements

  • You're a high school graduate or at least 18 years old
  • You're a first-generation college student, meaning your parents did not earn a college degree

Individual programs may have additional requirements. To learn more, visit these websites

Participation Agreement

group of students around table

Participants in this program will agree to:
  • Meet a minimum of once a quarter with a counselor or academic adviser
  • Enroll in the Human Development (HUMA) 20 class within the first two quarters of being accepted into the program.
  • Complete a minimum of one program activity per quarter.
  • Meet a minimum if two times with a program peer or tutor once a quarter.
  • Be enrolled in a minimum of six units.

The above criteria will determine eligibility (along with other previously indicated criteria) for early registration.

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